Derby message from Anders Hørsholt

You feel it especially on Derby Day. The whole city is a hive of anticipation, excitement and joy. It is part of Copenhagen, part of being Copenhagen, and part of us.

Of course today's match is not a match like any other. It's about more than just the three points.

At FCK we have players from all corners of Copenhagen. Delaney from Frederiksberg, Danny from Bronshoej, Bashkim from Nørrebro, Zanka and Toutouh from Østerbro and Cornelius from Bryggen, just to mention some of them.

When Christian Poulsen returned home, it was not only to play football, but also to be Copenhagener again.

The Copenhagen boys would of course not play for us if they were not good enough, but we're actually really happy that we have many "native" locals in our squad. It means something to our team. It means something to our club identity. Copenhagen is not just something we are called. Copenhagen is something we are.

Therefore our players know what the match means to our fans. They have grown up with the struggle between the city’s teams. But the players who come from outside are not in doubt about the enormity of the game.

Tom Høgli and Rurik Gislason also feel that the derby is about pride of Copenhagen, as they say themselves. For pride in Copenhagen is not necessarily something you are born with. It's the feeling you get from being here. Love to the city and to the club.

Today we pay tribute to one of the nicest and greatest ambassadors Copenhagen have ever had: Marcus Allbäck. True, he was born in Sweden, but he has been adopted by Copenhagen.

Just like Wendt, Ragnar and N'Doye - and Augustinsson and Amartey now are becoming so. We look forward to giving Marcus the tribute he deserves to have represented our club and city in a most beautiful way. Tak, Mackan!

And thanks to all of you who are here today. I am incredibly happy and proud of the tremendous work at our club from the fans' side. Not only for matches like today, but perhaps especially leading up to a match like today.

It gives us energy and meaning, and we always look forward to the impressive tifos and support. It reminds us that: ‘We are FCK. The club from wonderful Copenhagen.’

The city is in your heart, in your mentality. Just as it is in ours. It's about pride. It's about history. It's about honour. It's about who we are. The derby is everything.

We are Copenhagen!

May all of you have a very good Derby!

Anders Hørsholt