F.C. Copenhagen contact info
F.C. Copenhagen
Per Henrik Lings Allé 2
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel. +45 35 43 74 00
VAT no. 43952161
Customer Service
Customer Service is open Monday to Friday from 1pm - 3pm (closed weekends and holidays)
Customer Service Number: +45 35 43 74 00
You are also welcome to send us an email at kundeservice@fck.dk
We will endeavour to respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.
Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions (in Danish) about F.C. Copenhagen merchandise, season tickets, ticket sales, away tickets and the stadium
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F.C. Copenhagen contact info
FCK Fan Shop
Read more on the Fan Shop's own website about store opening hours, web shop and more.
Contact: shop@fckfanshop.dk
Read more here about F.C. Copenhagen press info, accreditations, press meetings, press facilities etc.
Contact: Press Secretary Kristoffer Skadhauge, ksk@fck.dk
Job applications
You are always welcome to submit an unsolicited application (including your CV) for jobs, internships and volunteering. We review all applications and will reply if a need arises that matches your qualifications. You can read more about current positions and F.C. Copenhagen job opportunities here.
For more info on how to arrange sponsorship relationships with F.C. Copenhagen - read more at partner.fck.dk
Children & Youth / Family Stand
For more information on children and youth activities, plus facilities in the Family Stand, please contact: bou@fck.dk
School and study assignments
We receive many inquiries about interviews, data and other material for school assignments, etc. We are excited about the great interest of our club, but unfortunately cannot help with this. This is in part because of limited resources and partly because some data is confidential as we are a listed company.
School visits
For more info on how to visit F.C. Copenhagen with your educational institution, please contact: info@fck.dk
Season tickets and subscriptions
Buy F.C. Copenhagen season tickets at billet.fck.dk or for more information contact: kundeservice@fck.dk
Check out our How to buy F.C. Copenhagen tickets guide here!
Buy tickets at billet.fck.dk or contact kundeservice@fck.dk with any questions
Booking conference rooms and meeting rooms
F.C. Copenhagen are happy to arrange the booking of conference and meeting rooms. Please contact booking@parken.dk for more information.
FCK Camp
Check out the latest news on our FCK Camps, where children and youngsters can enjoy football days during the school holidays!
Contact: fckcamp@fck.dk
Other inquiries
For all other inquiries please email: kundeservice@fck.dk